The Intermountain Chapter (IMCHOG®) is one of the largest H.O.G.® Chapters in Idaho, and we're also one of the biggest in the Pacific Northwest. As Membership Officer for the chapter, I get asked lots of questions. A few of the most common ones are listed below along with a brief answer.
How do I become a member of the Intermountain Chapter?
Before you can join a local H.O.G.® chapter, you must first become a member of National H.O.G.®. You can do this by calling 1-800-CLUBHOG (1-800-258-2464) or by signing up directly on their website at www.hog®.com.
Once you are a national member and have received your US H.O.G.® ID number, you can join our chapter. Simply print out and complete both pages of our Membership Enrollment Form and Information Sheet. Bring them to the next Chapter General Meeting along with your $20 annual membership dues. You can also mail your completed forms and check to me (address listed on the membership form), or drop these off at our sponsoring dealer location High Desert Harley-Davidson®. There is a Dropbox for membership forms on the wall between Motorclothes and the lounge. Additionally, here is the H.O.G.® Chapter Charter for your review.
When and where does the Chapter meet?
Chapter meetings are held on the last Friday of every month at the Eagles Lodge, 7025 W. Overland Road in Boise. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. but most members come early to grab a beverage and socialize first. Occasionally our general meetings are held on an alternate Friday, so be sure to visit the Events Calendar to confirm meeting dates.
Do you hold special meetings for new members?
Yes, we hold at least two "New Member Orientations" or more, if needed, throughout the year. The next one will be scheduled soon. Orientation will be held at the new High Desert Harley-Davidson® dealership at 2310 E. Cinema Drive in Meridian, next to the Majestic Theaters, in the upstairs conference room. You'll meet our chapter Officers, learn about chapter activities, the charities we support, how to get started volunteering at fun events, plus you'll be given the highlights of riding in groups and using hand signals. This is a great time to meet other members, learn about the chapter, and decide how to get the most out of your membership with IMCHOG®!
What are the benefits of being a member of H.O.G.® and the Intermountain H.O.G.® Chapter?
You will become a member in the best motorcycle group anywhere! Throughout the year, you'll receive magazines from National H.O.G.® as well as have access to our local chapter newsletter "H.O.G.® Squeals", which will keep you informed about upcoming rides, events, and news. Active chapter members receive timely emails and reminders of rides and events throughout the year. If you wish you can join our private Facebook group which is another way that we communicate about chapter events and rides. Also, special membership to Life Flight is available.
As an active member of IMCHOG® you will experience Rides/Events such as chapter picnics, Riders in the Sky BBQ, and the annual After Christmas Christmas Party (ACCP) which often offer meals to members either free of charge or at a reduced cost. Spouses and/or significant others that have not joined National H.O.G. as a Passenger Member and are not active Chapter members are considered ‘guests’ and while certainly invited to participate, must pay the cost of the meals, which typically range from $10 to $50 (ACCP event).
As a member, you can purchase patches, t-shirts, pins, go on rides, and hang out with other members that love motorcycles. Simply put, you'll be a family member in a chapter where you'll make life-long friends and build cherished memories... and we're sure you'll enjoy the ride.
What kind of ID card will I receive?
National H.O.G.® will mail you an ID card that includes your US H.O.G.® ID#. You'll be asked to present this card if you attend any state H.O.G.® Rallies or events hosted by other H.O.G.® chapters.
High Desert Harley-Davidson® VIP Customer Rewards
As an active Intermountain HOG Chapter Member, our sponsoring dealer High Desert Harley-Davidson® offers a VIP Customer Rewards program earning you double points on purchases of motorclothes, parts and service. An account will be setup with your membership. You will receive an email from the dealership to setup your account password. Be sure to let the cashier or service representative know when you checkout that you are an active Intermountain HOG Chapter member. There is one VIP Customer Rewards account per household. More information. Go to for more information on the rewards program.
Membership Information
Fill out and print the Renewal/Membership form and Information Sheet to renew your chapter membership or join the chapter. Send in your check and forms as indicated on the forms, then enjoy your Membership!